We need WAY more inventory.
We're looking for up to $500K in investments
We can't contain the demand of our product. It's time to bulk up our inventory and 10x our sales.
Debbie Quintana, Call/Text (408) 307-3411 debbie@debbiequintana.com
questions we've been asked and answered
How much are you spending on graphic design?
Zero. We learned how to do it all ourselves. We do our own packaging design, website, catalogs and client private label products.
How many employees do you have?
Believe it or not, we only have four full time employees. We have what we call a flex team of up to 50 people who can work as we need them. Our two team leads schedule their on call staff based on our product needs two weeks in advance.
This has saved us on payroll and workers comp. And, if we need him, Debbie's husband Alex is free labor :)
How much space do you have and what are you spending on rent?
We have approximately a 8000 square foot warehouse which is about $10K a month. However, we purchased pallet racks a year ago which reduced our space needs so last month, we sublet our space for $3500 per month + utilities.
It looks like you have an alcohol license, do you?
Yes, we have a series 10 beer and wine license which allows us to sell and ship (to certain states). One of our goals is to add a line of private label wine to increase the perceived value our wine gifts.
Where do you get your products?
Once we decided what products we wanted to offer, we found large co-packers, smaller bakers that could scale with us and built up our partnerships. We also have a packing license and pack several of our own products.
Who is your competition?
We really don't have a direct competitor because we offer such a wide range of products. But, each one of our products has competitors. However, our packaging is so unique, we don't find ourselves in a competitive situation very often.
Are you looking for an investor or loan?
Quite honestly, this is our first time and we aren't sure. We're looking for someone that understands and is interested in what we are doing and wants to help us get to $18M.
Our Core Team
Debbie Quintana
overall strategy, biz development, HR, AR/AP, master margin improver, professional wine drinker and a grandma
Travis Woodward
client services, graphic design, website management, computer fixer, marathon runner and wine connoisseur
Trent Schmit
production, warehouse management, cool dude and guitar player
Zori Castro
gift basket designer, production manager, team scheduler, if you need to know where something is, ask Zori.
Stephanie Atkinson
order management, team scheduler, the best laugh evah!
Jocelyn Cooper
She's 15 now and spending the summer with Grandma and Grandpa which means she's gonna be working!